NorthBridge Consultants’ Canadian Business Blog is dedicated to bringing businesses news and information to help companies identify and access the most appropriate government funding programs.

We offer opinions and insider information that can provide a pulse on government initiatives, the health of the Canadian economy, and firsthand thoughts from Canadian business owners.

10 Quick Tips Introduction

Over the next few months, we’re going to have a new blog series here at the Canadian Business Blog, posted biweekly and starting this Friday. Titled 10 Quick Tips, we’re going to cover everything from cutting costs in the office,… Read more »

Consistent Branding

Today, I want to take a little bit of time to talk about the recent redesign of the Northbridge Consultants website and the importance of consistent branding. A brand image is, in the most basic sense, everything that a person… Read more »

SR&ED – Essential To Canadian Manufacturers

The current economic recession has proven to hit even harder than many economists anticipated. An estimated 129,000 Canadians lost their jobs in January alone, of which Statistics Canada reports that Ontario workers lost a staggering 71,000. Alberta, once a thriving,… Read more »

New Service Offerings

Northbridge Consultants have increased our service offerings! We now offer ISO 9000 Certification, Kaizen/Lean/Time & Energy Management, Customer Service Professionalism and 5S Systems. What does this mean for you? It means that we want to work with you to help… Read more »

Free SR&ED Seminar – Friday, March 6, 2009

On Friday, March 6th 2009, Northbridge Consultants will be holding another free breakfast seminar, to provide a useful information sessoin on the SR&ED program.  The seminar will be held at the Waterloo Inn Conference Hotel.  Details can be found at… Read more »