NorthBridge Consultants’ Canadian Business Blog is dedicated to bringing businesses news and information to help companies identify and access the most appropriate government funding programs.

We offer opinions and insider information that can provide a pulse on government initiatives, the health of the Canadian economy, and firsthand thoughts from Canadian business owners.

Look For Alternative Forms of Financing

The cost of borrowing money just went up. Unlike their US counterparts, Canadian banks that held positions in high-risk US mortgages will likely not receive a bail-out package.  The net impact of the mortgage crisis is that Canadian banks will… Read more »

The Death of Lehman Brothers

… is dead. Bankrupt. Lehman Brothers, America’s fourth-largest brokerage, and one of the latest victims of the US sub-prime mortgage crisis, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The current disaster is one of the biggest meltdowns in modern-day history because it… Read more »

How to Outperform a Mutual Fund

Many investors don’t realize that stock market indices, throughout the history of the stock market, have outperformed the average mutual fund. Very few mutual funds are able to consistently outperform indices throughout the course of time because: They charge high… Read more »

“It’s the Economy, Stupid”

With a federal election just around the corner, Canada is experiencing weakest GDP growth in almost 17 years.  The deteriorating health of the Canadian economy is reflected in recent polls, in which Canadians now rank the economy ahead of health care… Read more »

Manufacturing Success During Tough Economic Times

Rising oil prices, poor currency exchange, and a sagging US economy have contributed to a decline in the Canadian manufacturing industry.  More and more products have been outsourced abroad, which has further contributed to the sagging fortunes of manufacturing companies… Read more »

Canada Barely Avoids Recession

Canada narrowly avoided a recession in the first half of this year as the economy (GDP, or Gross Domestic Product) edged up by a weaker-than-expected rate of 0.3 per cent in the second quarter, following a revised 0.8 per cent… Read more »

What Work Qualifies for SR&ED

When deciding whether to gather sr&ed information and make a sr&ed claim many companies often wonder what types of work qualifies for sr&ed tax credits. A sr&ed project is defined by the Canadian Revenue Agency as “a set of interrelated… Read more »

R&D is booming in Alberta

Most Canadian provinces top-up the federally-funded Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit.  In the past, Alberta has trailed the rest of Canada in its support of research and development.  Up until now.  It seems that Alberta has finally caught up with the… Read more »