NorthBridge Consultants’ Canadian Business Blog is dedicated to bringing businesses news and information to help companies identify and access the most appropriate government funding programs.

We offer opinions and insider information that can provide a pulse on government initiatives, the health of the Canadian economy, and firsthand thoughts from Canadian business owners.

Housing Prices Tumble in Metropolitan Canada

It was bound to happen.  Housing prices are beginning to fall in metropolitan Canada.  In the Greater Toronto Area, housing prices have tumbled the first time in over a decade, down by 3% from last year’s levels.  Average existing home… Read more »

How Will The Federal Election Impact the SR&ED Program?

[ Image courtesy of the Toronto Star ] During the Leaders’ english debate on October the 3rd, one issue that was broached was the federal SRED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) business incentive program. Under the existing federal SR&ED program, non-profitable corporations with… Read more »

Ways to Increase Cashflow in Your Business outlines 50 ways to save money in your business. Here are some of my ideas on how to increase your cashflow: Call in your Account Receivables the moment they’re due. Waiting to collect your AR reduces your cash flow… Read more »