
Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit

The Newfoundland and Labrador Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (NLIDMTC) offers refundable tax credits to eligible businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador for activities related to the development of Interactive Digital Media products.

  • Amount: 40% up to $40,000 per employee; up to $2,000,000 in labour and remuneration claimable;
  • Eligible Costs: Labour and remuneration expenditures incurred during product development;
  • Criteria: Taxable Interactive Digital Media development companies; located in NL and registered with the NL Film Development Corp.; interactive product with the primary purpose to inform, educate, or entertain; product information uses two of the following to present information: text, sound, and images; user can manipulate information; product adapts to user’s needs; non-promotional; excludes interpersonal communication;
  • Additional Info: The tax credit is offered to eligible companies that incur labour and remuneration expenditures between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2019.