
British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit

The British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (BCIDMTC) is a refundable tax credit that supports interactive digital media product development in BC for the purpose of educating, informing, or entertaining the user using a combination of text, sounds, and/or images.

  • Amount: 17.5% of salary/wages (total eligible salaries/wages for the year must be over $100,000);
  • Eligible Costs: IDM product development (i.e. design/artwork/animation and project management);
  • Criteria: Registered companies developing IDM products between Aug 31, 2010 & Sept 1, 2018; employees residing in B.C. on Dec 31 of the year preceding the end of the corporation’s tax year; filed with tax return;
  • Additional Info: Companies that apply for the BCIDMTC are not eligible to claim provincial SR&ED tax credits; companies must register with the Ministry of Finance for each tax year that they want to claim the IDMTC.