Funding Snapshot

  • Non-repayable grants
  • Focused on supporting drug discovery research
  • Ongoing program with multiple funding calls per year

Fund Description

Established by Consortium de recherche biopharmaceutique (CQDM), Quantum Leap funds drug discovery research, with a focus on supporting cutting edge technologies with the potential to improve the drug discover process and advance the R&D activities of CQDM’s pharmaceutical members.

Funding Details

Quantum Leap provides a minimum of $500,000 in grant funding, up to a maximum of $1.2 million. Applicants are responsible for raising matching funding.

Eligible Expenditures

Eligible expenditures include salaries and benefits of research personnel involved in the project, in addition to materials and laboratory supplies.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants to Quantum Leap must be either companies with fewer than 500 FTE employees, or public research institutions. Projects must be between 1-3 years in duration.

Program Run

Quantum Leap offers multiple intakes per year.