Jesse Allin joined the NorthBridge engineering team in December 2015 and has since become a key member of our staff. As an SR&ED Specialist, Jesse consults with clients to help them identify eligible Scientific Research and Experimental Development projects and organize supporting documentation. He also works closely with our technical writing team to prepare project narratives for submission. Of the many aspects of his job, Jesse most enjoys being exposed to a wide variety of manufacturing sectors, such as plastic moulding, fluid transmission, fabrication, and product conveyance, and learning about various developments in those fields.

Jesse grew up in Orangeville and Haliburton, Ontario and currently resides in Kitchener, Ontario. He holds a BASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo. Jesse has previously worked in the automotive plastics industry and the petroleum industry for backup generator systems, both in project management and engineering design roles. He also acquired experience in industrial consulting, aerospace, bulk solids handling, and technical standardization through his co-op work in university.

In his spare time, Jesse enjoys playing games of all kinds—board games, card games, and video games. He is an avid doodler and plans on putting together a graphic novel in the future. Jesse loves swimming and going for walks with his wife and dog, and in the coming years, hopes to purchase a home in the country outside Kitchener-Waterloo where he can start a family.