Have you ever wondered how much you would be eligible to claim for the SR&ED program? You may think that you wouldn’t get enough back to justify making the claim in the first place – after all, claiming on your own could take a lot of time just to put the claim together. But you may be surprised by how much you would be eligible for claiming.

We’ve put together a handy SR&ED calculator that will calculate how much you could get back with this program. After filling out a few questions in the SRED calculator, the range that your claim would most likely fall in is e-mailed immediately to you.

Our SR&ED calculator takes into account how many employees work for you, the hours that were spent on SR&ED and the amount that you spent on R&D materials to help calculate your range.

If you’ve ever wondered how much you could qualify for claiming, now is the best time to find out – just head on over to our SR&ED calculator!