I don’t know about you, but hearing about all of the negative news about companies doing poorly, laying off employees, going bankrupt or closing makes me very much depressed. So it makes news like this all the more encouraging: today’s Globe and Mail has an article about RIM’s quarterly results.

Yesterday, the Canadian-based Research In Motion (RIM) announced its quarterly results – they had a record profit this past quarter, at $518.3 million (US); revenue was $3.46 billion (US).

In this quarter alone, RIM shipped 7.8 million devices. (7.8 million! I can’t even grasp exactly how many that is.) Their plan to shift emphasis from the business market to the consumer market was looked on as a risky move, but it seems to have definitely paid off. Surprising, considering that normally there is less margin to be made in the consumer market.

In the upcoming months, RIM no longer expects declining gross margins, but is looking forward to an increase in margins.

It’s good to keep in mind, during our current economic state, that there are still some business sectors and industries that are doing well. What does this mean for the rest of us? Maybe it means that we need to start looking at other areas where our current products and services could be successful. Or maybe it means we need to think a little more creatively about developing a new product or service that will have the success that we want. Either way, it’s good to know that there are some companies out there who have found a way to be successful in our current economic climate.

Quote for April 2nd, 2009:

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill