
Investing in Business Growth and Prosperity - Financing Your Expansion Plans

Written by:
Nicolas DesRoches, Technical Writer.

If you’re looking to grow your Southern Ontario business, finance your growth and development, and take your company to the next level, federal government financing through the Investing in Business Growth and Prosperity (IBGP) program should be an option you strongly consider. This financing program provides loans of up to $20 million (25% of project eligible costs) for established small- to medium-sized companies who have the opportunity to be strong global players in order to diversify their market, expand facilities, or increase business capacity.

The focus of this program is to promote job creation and to accelerate Southern Ontario’s growth. Administered by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario, IBGP’s repayable loan funding could be that final bridge financing that makes your project go from goal to reality. NorthBridge Consultants has experience with IBGP applications and can help with building a business case, presenting company goals, establishing project viability, communicating with the government, and ensuring that your company is supported every step of the way.


Nicolas is a Technical Writer and acting Editor-in-Chief at NorthBridge Consultants. Nicolas’ years of writing experience with a wide range of audiences ensures he clearly expresses your project goals.

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