Why do you need an SR&ED Consultant?

Nortel is in the news again! A giant in the IT Industry and Canada’s one time largest employer have been force to sell off it’s assets due to bankruptcy. This time it is their wireless network infrastructure to Nokia Siemens… Read more »

Good Documentation in SR&ED Claims

Thorough documentation is a necessity when making an SR&ED claim. Good documentation proves to the CRA reviewers who are looking into your claim that you have done all the work to get through the technical obstacles that you claim to… Read more »

Xerox Corp’s Continued R&D Efforts

There was an interesting article posted on the Canadian Business website yesterday about the Xerox corporation, and their continued dedication to R&D efforts despite the fact that they’ve had to make cutbacks everywhere else: The company is freezing salaries and… Read more »

SR&ED – Essential To Canadian Manufacturers

The current economic recession has proven to hit even harder than many economists anticipated. An estimated 129,000 Canadians lost their jobs in January alone, of which Statistics Canada reports that Ontario workers lost a staggering 71,000. Alberta, once a thriving,… Read more »

“It’s the Economy, Stupid”

With a federal election just around the corner, Canada is experiencing weakest GDP growth in almost 17 years.  The deteriorating health of the Canadian economy is reflected in recent polls, in which Canadians now rank the economy ahead of health care… Read more »