NorthBridge Consultants’ Canadian Business Blog is dedicated to bringing businesses news and information to help companies identify and access the most appropriate government funding programs.

We offer opinions and insider information that can provide a pulse on government initiatives, the health of the Canadian economy, and firsthand thoughts from Canadian business owners.

Non-dilutive Financing Strategies for AgriTech Projects

It is envisioned that by 2025, Canada will be a leader in Agricultural technology, recognized globally as a reliable and competitive supplier of safe, sustainable, high-quality agri-food products. In order to successfully realize this vision, significant obstacles must be overcome… Read more »

CanExport Funding Increased and Expanded

CanExport is a government funding program that provides funding to Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to support new export market development. As of August 22, 2019, the CanExport project funding limit for SMEs will be increased up to $75,000… Read more »

Federal SR&ED Legislative Proposal Status Update

on June 21, 2019, Bill C-97, an Act to implement certain provisions of the 2019 federal budget received royal assent and became law. The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program provides a  basic 15%, non-refundable credit to… Read more »

New FedDev Funding For Rural Innovation Projects

SMEs operating in rural Southern Ontario within priority sectors such as advanced manufacturing, clean technology, digital industries, and food processing and Agtech may be eligible to receive a non-repayable grant to cover up to 50% of eligible project costs for… Read more »

Budget 2019: Highlights for Businesses

Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau’s election year budget, tabled on March 19th, 2019, forecasted a deficit of $19.8B for fiscal 2019, with deficits projected to decline gradually to $9.8B by 2023. No additional measures were proposed to provide business tax reductions,… Read more »