NorthBridge engaged an Ontario confectionery company that was looking to hire a recent graduate from a STEM field (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics). The company wanted to hire an engineering undergraduate student to help with equipment installation, design, product engineering, and with repairs. Our team was able to provide information about the GEI funding program which fit perfectly with the company’s objectives.

The Graduate Enterprise Internship (GEI) program funds up to $10,000 for the hiring of an undergraduate student and up to $15,000 for the hiring of a graduate student.

Our NorthBridge team worked with the company to identify the opportunity, to complete the application for their hiring project, and to complete the final report. As a result, they were approved for the funding amount that they had requested. The funding that was awarded will be directly invested in their hiring program and will allow the company to budget for the hiring of additional qualified employees.