Whether we choose to admit it or not, people are easily distracted. Often something pops into our head and completely redirects our focus. I personally can become distracted mid-sentence by remembering something I forgot to do the night before. Since it is so easy to be distracted, here are some tips to keep you focused at your desk.

  1. Write a “To Do” List. Everyday after booting up the computer and checking my e-mail, the first thing I do is write two “to do” lists. The first one is everything I can think of that needs to be completed. I then rewrite my list according to the priority of each job. Not only does this help me to keep myself on track for the day, but I can also plan the next few days work-wise.
  2. Keep a Pen & Paper Handy. If you’re likely to get distracted easily, keep a pen & paper around. That way you can write down any thoughts that come to you during the process of the day, and review them later. You’ll never forget anything!
  3. Don’t Procrastinate. Everybody has a part of their job that they hate. While it may seem easier to leave that job you dislike to the end of the day, completing the job it earlier will keep you productive, as you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing it. It will also prevent you from dragging simple tasks out just to avoid the one you dislike.
  4. Prioritize/Organize. At the end of each day, spend a few minutes re-organizing and preparing yourself for the following day. I personally make sure all of my paperwork is filed in the correct places, and then review my “to do” list to ensure that nothing’s priority has changed.
  5. Time Yourself. When completing routine tasks, record how long it takes you. This will keep you aware of how much you’ve actually completed in a day, and it will also help you to learn your most productive times of the day.
  6. Block Distractions. When sitting at a computer all day, you’re likely to check your e-mail several times, and want to do things like play games or read online articles. To help resist temptation, only keep your internet browser open when in use. If you still find yourself clicking away from your work, you can use a “blockout” program to keep you focused. These programs provide you with a completely blank screen, so you can work without things in the background.
  7. Drink Water. Sitting in the same place for an entire day can leave you bored and dreary. If you start to feel drowsy, reach for water instead of caffeinated products. While caffeinated products provide you a temporary wake up, they dehydrate you and can often leave you more tired than you previously were. If water is a little too plain for you, try flavoured or vitamin water.
  8. Music. While block distractions can mean limiting yourself, leaving nothing to keep you entertained can cause more harm than good. Keeping background music at a low volume can help you to block out the cougher in the cubicle next to you, and keep you focused. I listen to my MP3 player during work, and find myself tapping my foot without even being consciously aware of the song because I’m so focused on what I’m doing.
  9. Sleep! Getting enough sleep is very important, and is part of what keeps you going. Without enough sleep, not only are you tired, but you’ll be in a poor mood, and more likely to get distracted to try and make yourself feel better.
  10. Exercise. I personally felt that I didn’t have enough time to fit a workout plan into my lifestyle. I was always too busy or tired to hit the gym after work. After forcing myself to exercise after work two or three times a week for a few months, I’ve noticed my energy levels actually increased. I wake up feeling refreshed and can spend more time doing things at work and home than when I spent my gym time at home.