I remember in the 90’s when during the tech boom there were countless new programs and technologies being introduced. Silicon Valley was the Mecca for all tech companies. Everybody thought that they had the new and best thing that would make them bigger than Microsoft. This all occurred in recent memory and we all know how this story played out.

Things are different now. People no longer invest blindly into technology companies that are not declaring any profits. The technology and specifically the software marketplace has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. There is still development going on but you do not hear too much about Silicon Valley anymore, but you do hear about great technological advances in other places that were previously unknown – such as Waterloo, Ontario.

The Canadian marketplace now has the chance and the advantage to become the leader in technology development. There are companies wanting to come here just because this environment is conducive to R&D efforts in funding and educated, creative employees. Soon we might have a silicon Ontario, but only time will tell.