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Winter 2017

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NorthBridge Winter 2017 Newsletter

Going Global


Editor's Welcome -- Navigating Around Trade Barriers

Venturing into new market territory is marked by risk and uncertainty, but can also bring many rewards and opportunities. For a country, increased trade can lead to greater Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, higher skilled employees and technology related jobs, and lower cost of consumer products... Read more.

Trade Graph

Trade and Export Statistics

  • Canada is the 11th largest export economy in the world and the 23rd most complex economy, according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI).
  • Despite positive growth in trade volume, the dollar value of world merchandise exports declined by 14% in 2015, to US$ 16.0 trillion, as export prices fell by 15%... Read more.
  • Globe

    Global Trade for Canadian Businesses

    There’s been an unusual amount of chatter about trade and trade agreements lately. That’s not surprising considering the prominence of trade debate in the recent U.S. presidential election campaigns... Read more.


    Reducing the Risk of Exporting

    In order to mitigate various barriers and risks to trade, the Canadian government provides export financing, insurance, expertise and other business solutions to Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) registered in Canada through various federal and provincial programs... Read more.

    Made in Canada

    Canada’s Free Trade Agreements

    The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) will benefit the advanced manufacturing, agri-food, metal/mineral sectors. The European Union is the world’s largest economy, with 500 million people and annual economic activity of almost $17 trillion... Read more.


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