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NorthBridge National Bulletin
Fall 2017

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Industry 4.0

Welcome to the New Era

Annual Cost Reduction

Financing the Revolution

Within two short years since we published our review of manufacturing industry trends for 2016, the discussion around implementing advanced digitized manufacturing technologies has shifted into action as we have entered into the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0... Read more.

Data Analytics

Industry 4.0: The Technological Revolution

The advancement of global manufacturing through Industry 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 with the advent of mechanization and water/steam power, the introduction of electricity and, more recently, IT systems, has now entered into the next paradigm shift: development of smart factories with end-to-end connectivity and automation through data collection and processing... Read more.

Adopting Digital Transformation

The New Digital Factory

From the outset of the Industrial Age, the manufacturing floor has been an ever-changing landscape as advances in technology serve to streamline plant processes for improved efficiencies. Now well into the Digital Age, the revolution surges on with highly interconnected and flexible smart digital factories... Read more.

Adopting Advanced Tech

Funding Opportunities for Advanced Manufacturing

With the technological revolution well on its way, manufacturers find themselves at a critical juncture; to risk investing in unproven technology during uncertain political and economic times, or risk falling behind and perishing while the industry shifts into a new era of advanced automation, customization and value chain integration... Read more.


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