‘Twas the day before the SR&ED deadline and with each moment that passed
Every technical writer was writing, and fast!
Their keys were a-clicking, until the job was all done
Hoping they’d be able to join in some holiday fun!

The smells wafted by cubicles with such a punch
A potluck was set up, just in time for our lunch.
Crackers were popping during the holiday spread.
All the staff wore the crowns on top of their head.

Cake, cookies and candy-they were such a treat,
But back to work they all went, for no claim left incomplete!
As everyone returned to their cubicle chair
They knew something magical was in the air.

They opened their computers and did so right quick
And knew in that moment it was good old St. Nick.
All the claims had been finished, saved and filed away
Staff hollered and cheered, “Hip hip hooray!”

Work done so early the boss happily had to say
“Head home for the holidays and have a merry day!”
They hopped into their cars and drove off out of sight
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night!