A lot of times the funding that you get from other programs don’t cover the same areas of business as the SRED program covers. In the instances where you are getting a grant, loan or reimbursement for something R&D related you need to remember one thing: you cannot double dip for funding. Some examples are as follows:

  • If a funding program covers labour of those working on the same work that you would be claiming for the SR&ED program, then you would not be able to claim that labour – but you would still be able to claim the materials used, etc.
  • If you’re getting funding from a program that covers equipment used for R&D, then you would still be able to claim labour, overhead, etc.
  • And, if you’re getting funding from a program that covers marketing aspects, then that has absolutely no effect on your SR&ED claim, as marketing doesn’t qualify for the SR&ED program.